HomeA Gift of Liberation 28: Building My Practice Space Retreat (2017, Thailand)UncategorizedA Gift of Liberation 28: Building My Practice Space Retreat (2017, Thailand)

A Gift of Liberation 28: Building My Practice Space Retreat (2017, Thailand)


[tab title=”English”]For the second year, we return to Thailand for another installment of the Gift of Liberation series, which is based upon the Lam Rim teachings of Pabongka Rinpoche, in his seminal book, “Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand”. At this retreat on the stunning beaches of Thailand, Geshe Michael Roach will teach us how to identify the six majors problems that most people experience at one time or another, and the how to finally end them.

Lecture Video

This is a video playlist. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.

Lion’s Dance Meditation Video

Lecture Audio

Lion’s Dance Meditation Audio


[tab title=”Español”]

Clase Video

Lion’s Dance Meditation Video

Lecture Audio

Lion’s Dance Meditation Audio


[tab title=”Deutsch”]

Klasse Video

Lion’s Dance Meditation Video

Lecture Audio

Lion’s Dance Meditation Audio


[tab title=”русский”]

Занятие Video

Lion’s Dance Meditation Video

Lecture Audio

Lion’s Dance Meditation Audio


[tab title=”繁體中文”]這是第二年我們回到了泰國舉辦菩提道次第系列課程,是基於帕繃喀仁波切的著作《掌中解脫》一書。這次靜修營在泰國迷人的海灘度假勝地舉行,格西麥克羅奇將會教我們如何識別多數人會經歷的六大主要問題,以及如何終結這些問題。


Lion’s Dance Meditation Audio

Lion’s Dance Meditation Video




[tab title=”简体中文”]



Lion’s Dance Meditation Audio

Lion’s Dance Meditation Video





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