Home掌中解脫 第43期: 現代的菩薩 (2024, Arizona)掌中解脫 第43期: 現代的菩薩 (2024, Arizona)

掌中解脫 第43期: 現代的菩薩 (2024, Arizona)


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掌中解脱 第43期: 现代的菩萨

我们很兴奋能到达《掌中解脱》中谈论菩萨六度的部分,格西麦克将与我们一起探讨在现代世界中当一位菩萨是意味着什么。在我们日常生活中,往往过分关注于 “我” 和 “我的” ——我如何取得领先?我如何占据优势?我如何获得更多金钱、更多名气、更好的伴侣?





[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?si=VsNnKM-76pNhitAt&list=PLvrOuaagL1XNnSPLleynmXkdR-n-0Main&w=560&h=315]




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掌中解脫 第43期: 現代的菩薩

我們很興奮能到達《掌中解脫》中談論菩薩六度的部分,格西麥可將與我們一起探討在現代世界中的菩薩是什麼。 在我們日常生活中,往往過度專注於「我」和「我的」──我如何取得領先? 我如何佔優勢? 我如何獲得更多金錢、更多名氣、更好的伴侶?

一個現代的菩薩將這種情況顛倒過來。 現代的菩薩透過將他人放在第一位來獲得成功。 他們首先把他們想要的東西給予他人,而這種行為播下的種子將確保他們會得到他們想要的東西——以兩倍或三倍於他們所給予的方式。

現代菩薩向我們揭示了這種不尋常生活方式背後的古老智慧。為什麼你會這樣做?你將獲得解釋、技巧和日常實踐,以將這些令人驚訝的信息付諸實踐,並收穫以這 種方式生活的豐厚回報。

你還將了解當今世界的菩薩如何利用靜修、冥想和瑜伽的好處來照顧自己——他們的思想、心靈和身體。 如果你精疲力竭、壓力過大而且不健康,那麼你就無法成為一個有效的菩薩! 我們將學會在一個似乎過度強調過度工作、生產力和成就的世界中明智自我保健的價值。 畢竟,重要的不是你做了多少事——而是你做事的動機。


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?si=VsNnKM-76pNhitAt&list=PLvrOuaagL1XNnSPLleynmXkdR-n-0Main&w=560&h=315]




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We continue our journey on The Steps on the Path we delve deeper into the profound teachings of Pabongka Rinpoche’s Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand. Immerse yourself in the depth of these teachings in our upcoming Steps on the Path retreat, The Modern Bodhisattva.

We’re excited to reach the part of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand that talks about the six main practices of a bodhisattva, and Geshe Michael will explore with us what it is to be a bodhisattva in the modern world. Too often in our daily lives, the focus is on me and mine–how can I get ahead? how can I get the advantage? how can I get more money, more fame, a better partner?

A modern bodhisattva turns this upside down. A modern bodhisattva finds success by putting others first. They give what they want first to others, and the seeds this plants ensure they will get what they want–in ways that are double or triple what they gave.

The Modern Bodhisattva reveals to us the ancient wisdom that underlies this unusual way of living. Why on earth would you do this? You will get explanations, techniques, and daily practices to put this surprising information into effect, and reap the rich rewards of living this way.

You’ll also learn how a bodhisattva in the world today takes care of themselves–their mind, their heart, and their body–using the benefits of retreat, meditation, and yoga. You can’t be an effective bodhisattva if you’re exhausted, stressed out, and unhealthy! We’ll learn the value of intelligent self-care in a world that seems to overvalue excessive work, productivity, and accomplishment. After all, it’s not how much you do–it’s your motivation in doing it.

This course is the 43rd retreat and a continuation of our study of the Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand by Pabongka Rinpoche.


This is a video playlist starting with the most recently posted class. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?si=I62E7zXbUuvbTm2j&list=PLvrOuaagL1XMzs_KB1uvukQZIeh-3Eh6u&w=560&h=315]


