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A Gift of Liberation 34: Victory Over Our Negative Thoughts (2019, Bali)

Geshe Michael Roach continues with the famous Gift of Liberation, an outline of the entire steps to enlightenment by Pabongka Rinpoche (1878-1941). We’ve reached the section where we learn exactly how what goes on in our mind creates the world outside of us, and how we can use this fact to have a beautiful life.

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Course Materials

Meditation images for important ideas and advice for what a Buddhist should do when a person is dying

A Gift of Liberation 34 Course Materials (English)

A Gift of Liberation 34 Course Materials (简体中文)

A Gift of Liberation 34 Course Materials (繁體中文)

Class Videos

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Class Audio

Meditation Class with Q&A Videos

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Meditation Class with Q&A Audio


[tab title=”русский”]

Геше Майкл Роуч продолжает знаменитый «Дар освобождения», набросок всех шагов к просветлению Пабонгки Ринпоче (1878-1941). Мы достигли раздела, где мы узнаем, как именно то, что происходит в нашем разуме, создает мир вне нас, и как мы можем использовать этот факт, чтобы иметь прекрасную жизнь.

Course Materials

Meditation images for important ideas and advice for what a Buddhist should do when a person is dying

A Gift of Liberation 34 Course Materials (русский)

Class Videos

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Class Audio

Meditation Class Videos

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Meditation Class with Q&A Audio


[tab title=”Tiếng Việt”]

Course Materials

Meditation images for important ideas and Phật tử nên làm gì khi một người đang hấp hối?

Giai Trình Trên Con Đường Giác Ngộ Khoá tu 34: Chiến thắng những suy nghĩ tiêu cực (Tiếng Việt)

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Class Videos

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Class Audio

Meditation Class with Q&A Videos

This is a video playlist. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.

Meditation Class with Q&A Audio

