Home掌中解脫第38期: 成為一位菩薩 創造更友善世界的步驟 (2021年,亞利桑那州)掌中解脫第38期: 成為一位菩薩 創造更友善世界的步驟 (2021年,亞利桑那州)

掌中解脫第38期: 成為一位菩薩 創造更友善世界的步驟 (2021年,亞利桑那州)


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加入我们的15堂课,这是通过20世纪初,喜马拉雅山最伟大的一位老师帕绷喀·仁波切(Pabongka Rinpoche)直接带来的佛陀的古老智慧。我们会学习他所解释的有关菩萨如何从心里深切的发愿以及他们如何把它实践于日常生活中。






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加入我們的15堂課,這是通過20世紀初,喜馬拉雅山最偉大的一位老師帕繃喀·仁波切(Pabongka Rinpoche)直接帶來的佛陀的古老智慧。我們會學習他所解釋的有關菩薩如何從心裡深切的發願以及他們如何把它實踐於日常生活中。






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Being a Bodhisattva is such a powerful idea that the word itself has in recent years become synonymous with and common alongside acts of kindness and generosity. Many of us have heard it and used it, and deep inside this powerful idea is a method to actualize change and create a kinder world.

This course explores the vision that a Bodhisattva has and how to take concrete steps to see that vision come to life. The instructions are simple, yet profound and ask us to look deeply into the eyes of others to figure out who they really are, what they need and what we can do to help and serve them.

Join us for this 15 episode course that comes direct from the ancient wisdom of the Buddha, through one of the Himalayas’ greatest teachers of the early 20th century, Pabongka Rinpoche. We will be studying his explanation of how Bodhisattva develops this deep wish in their heart and how they actualize it in their daily life.

This course is the 38th retreat and a continuation of our study of the Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand by Pabongka Rinpoche.

This online retreat is taking place from JULY 12 – AUGUST 29, 2021. As always, we’ll be making all of the video and audio available here on The Knowledge Base for free as soon as we can.

If you’d like to register for the paid version of the online retreat you can register here. This will include study groups to deepen your knowledge and explore these ideas with people around the world, homework to study and review the material, and Q & A with Senior ACI Teachers.

Class Video

This is a video playlist starting with the most recently posted class. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.

Class Audio

This is our 38th Steps to the Path retreat and we’re now 10 years into these teachings on the lam rim. You can see all of the other teachings in this series by clicking the image below.

