Home掌中解脫 第40期: 空性冥想的魔力 – 施與受自他交換 (2023, Arizona)掌中解脫 第40期: 空性冥想的魔力 – 施與受自他交換 (2023, Arizona)

掌中解脫 第40期: 空性冥想的魔力 – 施與受自他交換 (2023, Arizona)


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掌中解脱 第40期: 空性冥想的魔力 – 施与受自他交换


在这个为期 10 天的钻石山冥想静修营中我们将探索每一种冥想的细微差别,并提出以下问题:



总共有8 种语言,超过 240 个音频和视频文件需要编辑,因此需要花些时间。
当我完成每一堂课时,会上传到在这里和 Youtube 上,所以请持续查看更新内容。









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掌中解脫 第40期: 空性冥想的魔力 – 施與受自他交換





總共有8 種語言,超過 240 個音頻和視頻文件需要編輯,因此需要花些時間。
當我完成每一堂課時,會上傳到在這里和 Youtube 上,所以請持續查看更新內容。









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We have reached two of the most cherished meditation practices of our tradition, designed to help us develop a deep experience of compassion and love: exchanging self and others, and tonglen.

These two widely known meditations are the key to smashing our own self-cherishing and selfishness, which is handcuffed to our infinitely worse habit of all: believing that things are themselves.

In this 10-day meditation retreat intensive at diamond mountain, we will explore the nuances of each of these meditations and bring ourselves to the following question: If we truly understood that our world, including even our meditation practices, is the result of how we have treated others in the past… how could we use this key understanding of emptiness to fuel the desired transformation in our world?

How do these meditation practices actually provide the fuel and seeds for change?

Geshe Michael Roach will take us on a journey through this deep practice of Exchanging Self and Others. We will be learning from Pabongka Rinpoche’s “Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand” and exploring this meditation in all its detail. It is designed to quickly open your heart and help you find the edge of your limitations and break through to become a kinder, more compassionate, and also effective person in the world.

This course is the 40th retreat and a continuation of our study of the Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand by Pabongka Rinpoche.

Note from TKB: This is a work in progress and still editing all the audio and video for this course. There’s over 250 audio and video files to edit for all 8 languages so it will certainly take some time. As I finish each class I’ll upload here and on Youtube, so please keep checking back for updates.

Unfortunately, there was a recording problem and don’t have the HD quality video available for the first 20 minutes of class 1.. Luckily, since this was originally streamed live we do have the video to replace the missing classes and fill in all those gaps. So what you’ll find below will be complete for all classes.

We’ve also made chapters for each video highlighting the most important ideas (Idims) to make it easier to study and review.

Class Videos

This is a video playlist starting with the most recently posted class. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.

Class Audio

Meditation Videos

This is a video playlist starting with the most recently posted class. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.

Meditation Audio

This is such an important and beautiful teaching that I thought many of you would like to go deeper and learn more about the practice of exchanging self & others. There’s a really great ACI In-Depth Course from 2004 where Geshe Michael teaches the entire section on the practice of exchanging self and others, which is a large part of the chapter on meditation (Chapter Eight) from The Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra) by Master Shantideva. The original audio was quite poor quality, so I’ve cleaned up all the old audio to make for a much better listening experience. You’ll find the link to this course below the audio playlist and a lot of information to go deeper on this practice.

The full practice of exchanging self and others acts as a catalyst, an agent of change, to accelerate the development of compassion in your heart

Want to go deeper on the practice of exchanging self & others?


This third course of the ACI In-Depth Course Series presents the entire section on the practice of exchanging self and others, which is a large part of the chapter on meditation (Chapter Eight) from The Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra, Byang-chug sems-dpa’i spyod-pa la ‘jug-pa), by Master Shantideva (c. 700 AD). This course is meant to give much more detail on this subject than the related original ACI course, Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, Part Two (ACI Course XI), which covered only about half of this section on exchanging ourselves and others.

The reading material for this course consists of the 84 relevant verses of Master Shantideva’s root text, and includes both the original Sanskrit and the Tibetan translation of these verses. Following a pattern of the ACI Foundation Courses as we go deeper now with the in-depth courses, we will be taking a closer look at the original Sanskrit versions of the root texts.

Our goal will be to glean more of the original feel of the Buddhism taught in the land of its birth, India, in a language—Sanskrit—which is directly related to modern languages like English that many of use. And so we will be taking a special interest in places where checking the original Sanskrit wording gives us insights that we may miss out on if we utilize only the Tibetan translation.

For our basic English translation and interpretation of each verse, we will continue to rely heavily upon the extraordinary commentary written by Gyaltsab Je Darma Rinchen (1364-1432), the eminent disciple of Je Tsongkapa who became the first holder of his throne after the Teacher passed on. This commentary is called Entry Point for Children of the Victorious Buddhas (rGyal-sras ‘jug-ngogs.

With this course though we will also be using perhaps the most important commentary from ancient India upon Master Shantideva’s work. This is The Commentary to Difficult Points in the “Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life” (Bodhicaryāvatāra Pañjikā, Byang-chub kyi spyod-pa la ‘jug-pa’i dka’ ‘grep), composed by the Indian pandit Prajnyakara Mati (Prajñākaramati, or Shes-rab ‘byung-gnas blo-gros in Tibetan). The literal meaning of this author’s name is “The Intelligent One, the Source of Wisdom.”

His explanation of our root text was of course written in Sanskrit; it was translated into Tibetan about a thousand years ago, and is found in the Tengyur collection of ancient commentaries to the word of Lord Buddha. It seems to have been one of the primary sources used by Gyaltsab Je for his own commentary. Because it was composed in part as a “word commentary,” in the original Sanskrit, it sheds substantial new light on the meaning of Master Shantideva’s text.

