Home掌中解脫 第41期: 掌中解脫 第41期: 善心的力量 2023, Guadalajara)掌中解脫 第41期: 掌中解脫 第41期: 善心的力量 2023, Guadalajara)

掌中解脫 第41期: 掌中解脫 第41期: 善心的力量 2023, Guadalajara)


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掌中解脱 第41期: 善心的力量

慈悲心是善心最强大的力量。 我们如何学会让它成为我们生活中每一部个分的基石? 我们如何利用慈悲心的力量,建立在我们所学到的自他交换以及施与受?

我们将采取必要的步骤,慢慢地将长久以来专注于自我珍爱的注意力从自己身上转移,从而变得更加能够珍爱他人。 即使我们的人生到目前为止都是以牺牲他人为代价来珍爱自己,但我们是可以改变。 使用一些对我们许多人来说都很新的冥想,我们可以通过呼吸增强我们练习自他交换以及施与受的力量。 结合并增加这些实践将推动我们个人的转变。 它会软化和打开我们的心。 这将让我们开始以心为主的方式生活,由我们新的和改进的心所引导,而不是被我们的自私和自我所驱使。

我们在“善心的力量”中还会学习另外十一种冥想。 有些可能是已经很熟悉的,在这个的道次第中,当我们将专注于我们的心时,我们将学会以新的方式去思维它们,关注于它们现在的问题,以及我们如何把它们清除,让我们的心变得更好。

我们将探讨平等心的概念:遇到敌人、朋友和陌生人并真实将他们视为为完全相同,有着同等权利成为有趣和有价值的众生,这到底意味着什么? 更根本的是,我们会发现体验他人——无论是敌人、爱人还是陌生人——与最重要的我是平等的的感觉! 我们将每天花几分钟时间静思,视那位在我们的事业上恐吓我们的大且刻薄的总裁为我们前世慈祥、慈爱的母亲。 我们会把一位幼小、需要帮助的孩子想象成我们的母亲。 我们将把自他交换提升到一个新的、更高的水平。

总共有8 种语言,超过 150 个音频和视频文件需要编辑,因此需要花些时间。
当我完成每一堂课时,会上传到在这里和 Youtube 上,所以请持续查看更新内容。


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?si=4dTFNX1a-5es5jB0&list=PLvrOuaagL1XMh_Y7ZJLxyao8StZJHZC1H&w=560&h=315]



**Coming soon**


**Coming soon**



[tab title=”繁體中文”]

掌中解脫 第41期: 善心的力量

慈悲心是善心最強大的力量。 我們如何學會讓它成為我們生活中每一部個分的基石? 我們如何利用慈悲心的力量,建立在我們所學到的自他交換以及施與受?

我們將採取必要的步驟,慢慢地將長久以來專注於自我珍愛的注意力從自己身上轉移,從而變得更加能夠珍愛他人。 即使我們的人生到目前為止都是以犧牲他人為代價來珍愛自己,但我們是可以改變。 使用一些對我們許多人來說都很新的冥想,我們可以通過呼吸增強我們練習自他交換以及施與受的力量。 結合並增加這些實踐將推動我們個人的轉變。 它會軟化和打開我們的心。 這將讓我們開始以心為主的方式生活,由我們新的和改進的心所引導,而不是被我們的自私和自我所驅使。

我們在“善心的力量”中還會學習另外十一種冥想。 有些可能是已經很熟悉的,在這個的道次第中,當我們將專注於我們的心時,我們將學會以新的方式去思維它們,關注於它們現在的問題,以及我們如何把它們清除,讓我們的心變得更好。

我們將探討平等心的概念:遇到敵人、朋友和陌生人並真實將他們視為為完全相同,有著同等權利成為有趣和有價值的眾生,這到底意味著什麼? 更根本的是,我們會發現體驗他人——無論是敵人、愛人還是陌生人——與最重要的我是平等的的感覺! 我們將每天花幾分鐘時間靜思,視那位在我們的事業上恐嚇我們的大且刻薄的總裁為我們前世慈祥、慈愛的母親。 我們會把一位幼小、需要幫助的孩子想像成我們的母親。 我們將把自他交換提升到一個新的、更高的水準。

總共有8 種語言,超過 150 個音頻和視頻文件需要編輯,因此需要花些時間。
當我完成每一堂課時,會上傳到在這里和 Youtube 上,所以請持續查看更新內容。


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?si=4dTFNX1a-5es5jB0&list=PLvrOuaagL1XMh_Y7ZJLxyao8StZJHZC1H&w=560&h=315]



**Coming soon**


**Coming soon**



[tab title=”English”]

Compassion stands unrivaled as the most potent force for good. How can we integrate compassion as a foundational element of our daily lives? And how can we channel the immense force of compassion, building upon our knowledge of the practice of “exchanging self & others” and tonglen?

During this course we will learn to deepen and strengthen our practice of compassion. We’ll embark on a transformative journey, redirecting our lifelong habit of self-cherishing towards a greater appreciation and cherishing of others.

Even though our lives until now have been spent cherishing ourselves at the expense of others, we can change. Using some meditations that will be new to many of us, and using the breath, we will boost the power of our exchanging self & others practice and our tonglen practice. Combining and adding to these practices will move our personal transformations forward. It will soften and open our hearts. It will allow us to begin to live in a heart-centered way, led by our new and improved hearts rather than the whims of our selfishness and egos.

This course will introduce eleven additional meditations. While some might resonate as familiar to you, we will learn to think about them in new ways as we focus during this course on our hearts—on their current shortcomings and how we can refine and elevate them. We will explore the idea of equanimity: what does it really mean to encounter enemies, friends, and strangers and genuinely experience them as exactly the same—as interesting and valuable beings in their own right.

Geshe Michael Roach will take us on a journey through this deep practice of Exchanging Self and Others. We will be learning from Pabongka Rinpoche’s “Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand” and exploring this meditation in all its detail. It is designed to quickly open your heart and help you find the edge of your limitations and break through to become a kinder, more compassionate, and also effective person in the world.

This course is the 401st retreat and a continuation of our study of the Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of Your Hand by Pabongka Rinpoche.

Note from TKB: This is a work in progress and still editing all the audio and video for this course. There’s over 150 audio and video files to edit for all 8 languages so it will certainly take some time. As we finish each class we’ll upload here and on Youtube, so please keep checking back for updates.

Unfortunately, there was a recording problem and don’t have the HD quality video available for the first 20 minutes of class 1. Luckily, since this was originally streamed live we do have the video to replace the missing classes and fill in all those gaps. So what you’ll find below will be complete for all classes.

We’ve also made chapters for each video highlighting the most important ideas (Idims) to make it easier to study and review.

Class Videos

This is a video playlist starting with the most recently posted class. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?si=0dGeeIKRg4HeY-QX&list=PLvrOuaagL1XMpBFTCyQDOhqnRsvKH-Xzn&w=560&h=315]

Class Audio

Meditation Videos

This is a video playlist starting with the most recently posted class. Just click for the next video to see additional videos in the series.

Meditation Audio

This is such an important and beautiful teaching that I thought many of you would like to go deeper and learn more about the practice of Developing the Good Heart (Lojong). There’s a really great ACI Course from 1998 where Geshe Michael teaches an entire course on Developing the Good Heart (Lojong). You’ll find the link to this course below the audio playlist and a lot of information to go deeper on this practice.

Want to go deeper on the practice of Developing the Good Heart?


This 14th course of the ACI In-Depth Course Series presents classical advices on how to be a good person, and is based upon A Compendium of Texts on Developing the Good Heart (Lojong Gyatsa) by Muchen Konchok Gyeltsen (1300 AD). Lojong texts from the Compendium include: The Eight Verses (Tsik- gye Mar ) by Dorje Seng-ge (1044- 1123), the Wheel of Knives (Tsoncha Korlo) by Master Dharma Rakshita (1000 AD), Seven- Step Practice for Developing the Good Heart (Lojong Dun Dunma) by Geshe Chekawa (1101- 1175), The Advices of the Victorious One (Danlak) by Gyalwa Yang Gunpa (1213- 1258), and Freedom from the Four Attachments (Shenpa Shi-drel ) by Sachen Kunga Nyinpo (1092- 1158).

Topics include: How to develop a good heart, how to practice throughout the day, how to develop the wish for enlightenment, the eight verses of mind training, 18 pledges for developing a good heart, the six keys to successful practice, the five powers, the five mental poisons, seven steps to developing a good heart, the three virtues, how to respond to the eight worldly thoughts, the real meaning of freedom from attachment, how to behave in difficult situations, the difference between how things happen and why things happen, how to send your mind into death (powa), and seeing angels.

